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Google and Others Seek to Make cyber crime more costly For Offenders

Research workers from many academic institutions and Google are devising methods to fight cybercrime that is organized by targeting fiscal services used by risk performers to run illegal actions and the support infrastructure.

The purpose of the attempt will be to try and deter fraudulent action to the extent possible by making it more costly for offenders to run, Elie Bursztein and Kurt Thomas, two members of Google’s Anti- Thursday, Fraud and Abuse Research said in a blog post.

Both researchers pointed to a number of cases where Google and others have started taking such activities to attempt to interrupt the cyber.
By understanding and examining how cybercriminals are abusing the telephone confirmed account strategy to do mass enrollment of deceptive accounts, Google for example, has been able to make its accounts 30 to 40 percent more costly to register in the black market, Bursztein and Thomas said.

Likewise, by examining the strategies used by a group of 26 underground retailers to register Twitter reports that are fraudulent, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, George Mason University and Twitter could come up with a strategy for retroactively finding the fraudulent accounts.

With the help of Twitter, the researchers could make use of the system to disable 95 percent of all fraudulent accounts registered by the 27 retailers, including those accounts that had been sold in the underground.

Using similar approaches, researchers from George Mason University as well as the University of California, San Diego were able to interrupt payment processing for factory outlets and a number of prohibited drugstores selling counterfeit applications, both researchers said.

Such measures are needed because traditional client and server-side oriented countermeasures including private antivirus programs, firewalls, network packet scanners, automated software updates, and two-factor authentication simply have had a small effect in resulting from cybercrime, Thomas and Bursztein noted in the site.

Each time security scientists have developed defensive measures cyber offenders have really been able to circumvent them. “While these safeguards have significantly enhanced user security, they create an arms race: offenders adjust or discover the subset of systems that remain exposed and restart operation.”

Commoditization of the cyber and the growing sophistication has really made it simple for offenders from everywhere to trade in knowledge, technologies, services, and information for defrauding users and companies.

The access to specialized services for selling and purchasing use kits infected systems, junk hosting, and user records have transformed cybercrime into a gigantic collaborative operation among offenders, the Google research workers said.

“An alternative strategy in this space would be to target resource bottlenecks within the subterranean,” they said. The aim ought to be to attempt to allow it to be more costly for cybercriminals to work.

Security researchers should concentrate on a more comprehensive grasp of the ecosystem used by cybercriminals to develop, perform, and gain from efforts that were deceptive, both researchers said to the theme developed with other research workers in a technical paper.

The study of markets that are underground has to evolve from an exploratory market calling for mainly anecdotal research to a core-element of security research. A clear image of how attackers gain from casualties and associations is essential to developing effective countermeasures and breaking up the “delicate interdependencies” that exist in the cyber underground, the newspaper said.

by admin on September 26th, 2015 in Google

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