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Google Gives Millions to Help Refugees Get Online

Google has raised $11 million to finance refugee aid efforts in Europe, but there is more where that came from.1

Today, the technology giant announced it is giving $5.3 million to give refugees in Germany accessibility to Chromebooks. NetHope will make use of the grant to get 25,000 Chromebooks equipped with instruction and uses learning language, which they’ll dole out to nonprofits that are working with refugees in Germany.

The aim, based on Jacquelline Fuller, manager of, will be to ensure refugees not only possess the importance they should live but the tools they should continue on with their ordinary lives. “But soon enough, they must discover the neighborhood language, develop abilities to work in a fresh state, and find out a means to carry on their studies–all in an attempt to recover and reconnect with the lives they had before.”

However 25,000 Chromebooks is a tiny amount compared to the nearly one million asylum seekers Germany filed in 2015. That is why, rather than supplying people with Chromebooks, Project Reconnect is working with nonprofits, which can make use of the apparatus arrange educational events for kids and to assemble Internet cafes. As part of the venture, Deutsche Telekom is giving a reduction on broadband accessibility, which is important, given the very fact that Chromebooks must be connected to the Web to run most programs to the grant receivers.

For the time being, Job Reconnect will only run in Germany, but according to Frank Schott, NetHope’s managing director of international applications, “if we are successful, Google said there is the possibility for more.”

Showing this contribution can really make a difference at scale is a must, says Brian Reich, manager of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees’ invention laboratory, The Hive.

“Lots of Chromebooks will get into the control of those who will profit significantly from them,” Reich says.

The answer may be yes, but Reich says it’s going to require careful investigation–the kind Google excels for profit work–to ascertain whether the gift had a Google-sized impact. “I need Google to help the nonprofit community think about this things in a more Google-y sort of manner,” he says. “I need everyone else to reap the benefits of the intelligence that Google put in–their procedure, their believing, their information.”

by admin on January 26th, 2016 in Google

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