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Comcast is hated by America but it’s the quickest national ISP we’ve

Comcast isn’t a well beloved business in America. Somewhat paradoxically, however, Comcast also happens to be the ISP with the most rapid total speeds of any national supplier in the nation.

“Comcast offers an incredibly broad assortment of technologies and speeds, peaking at a fiber-established ‘Extreme 505’ grade,” writes. “That service is’t broadly accessible you likely to find top rates of 150 or 105Mbps Mbps using conventional DOCSIS 3 cable technology.”

In regards to wireless networks, T Mobile had the quickest average LTE connection with an average downloading rate of 19.6Mbps, followed by Verizon at 18.5Mbps, AT&T at 14.6Mbps and Sprint at 10.4Mbps.

We’re certain that AT&T’s GigaPower and Google Fiber would have readily bested Comcast had they been included in the standings, but alas they’re’t broadly accessible to qualify.

by admin on May 9th, 2016 in ISP

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