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CEO Tim Cook dismisses talk of Apple dodging taxes as ‘political crap’

Apple leader Tim Cook decidedly rejected accusations that the wealthiest business in the world is sidestepping US taxes by keeping packages of cash abroad, indicating the claim was politically inspired.
World leaders last month approved a crack down on tax avoidance by multinationals like Google, Apple and McDonald’s, leading companies whose rockbottom tax bills have aroused widespread outrage in America and beyond.
Cook claimed that Apple pays the largest tax bill in America and that it keeps more money overseas than other firm because two thirds of its own business is there.
“That is absolute political garbage, there’s absolutely no truth behind it,” Cook replied when pressed about the exceptionally controversial tax problem in a brief preview of the interview.
Cook laid the blame on an old US tax code.

by admin on December 19th, 2015 in Technology

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