• Fastest USA IPs in the industry
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Need to protect PC’s privacy and IP address?

Piriform’s CCleaner (crap cleaner) removes temporary files, history files, cookies, logs, auto complete entries and other detritus from browsers and a number of other common applications. (The list may be enlarged with CCEnhancer.) In addition, it has a Windows Registry cleaner. For the best results, it run immediately after a reboot, with no other applications running. In your situation, yet, after you end computing for the day, you may need to run it.

Download CCleaner from the Piriform website as I Have mentioned many times before, nor follow any scam links from adverts on Google. I value that businesses earn money from free software by bundling “foistware” but it should always be supplied on an “opt in” basis.

CCleaner and both Window Washer supply means of removing files which other folks might see, and hard drive space is recovered by them from browser caches. (Google Chrome can readily use up a gigabyte.)

It is common for family members to share PCs, however they should use their own separate accounts. This also means you can give regular accounts rather than administrator accounts, which significantly restricts the quantity of damage they can do to them. This really is especially significant if some users are kids.

“Switch user” is among the choices on the menu that lets you log off Windows, inform the PC to sleep or restart etc. If they’re logged on, it is pretty fast to change between users.

Multiple users files and clearly share a PCs applications, but things saved in user directories are private.

by admin on July 12th, 2015 in Technology

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