Microsoft is empowering you to analyze the speed of your internet connection via Bing from the results page.
It’s possible for you to run a speed test by simply typing ‘net speed test’ into the Bing search bar, which offers a summary of your IP address download speed and upload speed.
The attribute, which is not dissimilar to the Network Speed Test program for Windows, program for all users, which is an indication that Microsoft is A/B testing it or rolling it out or doesn’t now show up on the Bing cellular telephone website.
Microsoft was cagey regarding the brand new attribute when asked about it by VentureBeat, with a spokesman telling the technology invention news site: “We Are constantly examining new encounters for Bing, including the speed evaluation encounter. We’ve nothing farther to share at this time.”
Microsoft beat Google to the punch in lately incorporated classic cell phone game Snake into the search engine and adding emoji search support to Bing.
Technology news site Clapway said the brand new attribute demonstrates that Microsoft is tasking Bing and that such inclusions will allow it to be even more competitive, and that Bing could replace Edge and Internet Explorer to become Microsoft’s trademark web browser.
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